2025 Nominations

GENEROSITY is one of our new UUA values. This includes generosity of your time and talent.

QUUF Nominations Announced

Your Nominating Committee is pleased to announce candidates for the option positions for:

Candidates for Board of Trustees – current candidates
Dean Carr
David Deardorff
Joanna Sanders
Bill Testerman

Candidates for Endowments Committee
Amy Hepburn
Mary Tyburski

Candidates for Nominating Committee
John Collins
Kathleen Holt
Annemarie Mende

Applications are still open until Tuesday March 25: Nomination applications are still OPEN from members.

Petition Candidates are accepted from March 26 to April 6.

Individual members of QUUF may be nominated through submittal of a petition. Petitions for candidacy for elected positions on the Board of Trustees, Endowments Committee, and Nominating Committee must be submitted to the Nominating Committee through April 6.  Petitions require signatures of 30 current QUUF members.  Petition forms are available on the QUUF website under Nominating Committee.

On-line Voting April 13-27: Each member will get an email on April 13 with instructions and a unique voting ID to allow them to vote online. This method of voting will be fair, secure, and confidential. Voting will be open until April 27 at 11:59 pm. If you are unable to vote online, you can request a paper ballot by Wednesday, April 9 through administrator@quuf.org.

The application form for these positions can be found here.

The Nominating Committee is a Congregational Committee, elected by and answerable to the Congregation as a whole. It is a standing committee of 4 directly-elected members serving three-year terms and one voting representative from the Board of Trustees. Its meetings are open except when discussing and members enter into a Confidentiality Covenant regarding individuals discussed.

Click here to view Information about Congregational Committees (Board, Endowments, Nominating)
Video about the 3 Congregational Committees

Confidentiality Covenant

As members of the Nominating Committee, which is a congregational committee, we are entrusted with the confidence of others. The ethical principles of confidentiality require that information shared in this committee meeting about individuals will not be shared with anyone outside of the five committee members.

The minutes of the Nominating Committee will inform the board and congregation of our process. Within the process of vetting the committee, we can collectively decide to get more information from congregants and staff.

For More Information:

If you’d like to learn more from current members of the Nominating Committee or the Nominating process, please contact nominations@quuf.org:

  • Share DeWees
  • John Collins
  • Gary Forbes
  • Kate Kinney
  • Ann Weaver

This page last updated March 24, 2025