Speaker: Rev. Linda Hart

Broken and Whole

Our lives are filled with paradoxes. How can we best live within them? Click here to watch the service starting at 10am.

Be Transformed

The only ones who like change, some say, is a wet baby, but those of us who know babies know not all of them do. We’ll consider what it means to be open to change. Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the readings and sermon.


There is nothing that can separate us from the wide wonder of life. We’re all connected even when we feel most alone. What can we learn from the natural world? We’ll lean into Robin Wall Kimmerer’s The Serviceberry to find some answers. Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the readings and sermon.

The Swing

The Persian poet Haviz offers us wisdom about the choices we make. What shall we choose to build in our community? The theme is transformation. Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the readings and sermon.

Who’s in Charge?

“This Fellowship is the community of ourselves” we say each week. What does that mean in the life of our congregation? Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the reading and sermon.

Other People’s Stories

Each of us have stories to tell. It’s important to learn how to listen to the stories others tell, and to believe them. We’ll begin Black History Month reflecting on what we can learn when we really listen. Click here to watch the service starting at 10am. Click here to read the readings and sermon.

No Hell for People of Another Faith

In The Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce defines a Universalist as “one who forgoes the advantage of a Hell for persons of another faith.” But there’s much more to our heritage of love. Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the readings and sermon.

The Discipline of Liberating Love

Our theme for this month is Liberating Love, and how better to recognize the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. than to focus on such love? What does love call us to do in these times? Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the readings and sermon.

“Who Are You? What Do You Want?”

In February, we’ll be engaged in creating a new mission statement. Come and explore what that can mean for us. Click here to watch the service. Click here to read the readings and sermon.