Speaker: Rev. Kate Lore

The Heart of Democracy: Consent, Conversation and Covenant

Quote: “Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that emerges when people feel seen, heard, and valued”  ~Dr. Brene Brown As members of a democratic congregation, we are called to hold life’s many tensions consciously, faithfully and in covenant with one another. In so … Continue reading The Heart of Democracy: Consent, Conversation and Covenant

The Risk of Creativity

Quote: “Creativity requires courage to let go of certainty.” — Erich Fromm Every creative journey begins with a problem:. It may very well be that some power beyond us breathes our creativity upon us, but in our most creative moments, something clearly happens within us. How do we nurture it?

Our House of Hope

Quote: Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. — Desmond Tutu Hope is a deep desire for the best possible outcome, after accepting the real circumstances. As circumstances change in life, so does hope. That flexibility of hope is not a weakness of naivete. The flexibility of … Continue reading Our House of Hope

Faith Floods the Desert: A UU Response to the Immigration Crisis

Which Unitarian Universalist values are at play when it comes to immigration? How do we wrestle with the conflict between legality and morality? Come learn about UUs who are actively struggling against the criminalization of migration and are responding to deaths and disappearances in the US/Mexico borderlands.

Blessing of the Animals, an Intergenerational Service

It has been said that until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. And surrounded by the animals we love, we will express our gratitude for the non-human friends in our lives. Please bring your well-behaved pets and/or pet photos.

The Times, They Are a Changin’

Alan Watts once wrote: “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” This Sunday we celebrate the courage of letting go and embracing change.

I’m Glad You Asked That Question… (2018)

For the final service of the program year and for his final service as a QUUF minister, Bruce invites us, as has been his practice on the concluding Sunday in which we have two services, to submit questions (philosophical, practical, personal, whatever). During the sermon portion of the services, Bruce reads selected questions (without name) … Continue reading I’m Glad You Asked That Question… (2018)

Taming the Serpent

Unitarian Universalism is nothing if not the sum total of all the “freedom froms,” such as freedom from authority, freedom from fear, and freedom from orthodoxy. There is a shadow side to all these “freedom froms”, however, which can show up in unhealthy ways.  Rev. Kate Lore and Dr. Tim Berry offer a dialogue on … Continue reading Taming the Serpent

Living With Uncertainty

No matter how much we may want our lives, relationships, and future to remain the same, nothing in life ever does. How do we find the courage to let go of all we know and step into the uncertain future?

The Song That Can Save Us (Earth Day Sunday)

This special Earth Day service compares and contrasts the Creation stories of the Bible with those of indigenous peoples to more fully understand the root causes of – and solutions to – climate change. This cross-cultural service draws upon the book Braided Sweetgrass and includes local calls to action.