Speaker: Michael Meade

Awakening the Light

Drawing on key ideas from his new book Awakening the Soul, Michael Meade will look at the loss of soul and the need for “lived truth” in modern life Click here to listen to the reading and sermon for the first service. Click here to listen to the reading and sermon for the second service.

What Changes the Soul, Changes the World

(Second Sunday of Christmas) Michael Meade says, β€œThe heart of the human drama depends upon whether we are moving towards a greater life or moving away from it. Either we are becoming a greater vessel for the flow of life or we are shrinking and secretly feeding the chaos in the world. Liberation happens each time we become more connected to the contents of our souls. What matters most to us has the power to change, not just ourselves, but the world around us.”

Click to listen to the song “All Will Be Well” by Rev. Meg Barnhouse, followed by Michael’s sermon from the first service | second service.

The Meeting of Spirit & Soul

Spirit is the source of inspiration, purpose and vision; soul is the root of healing, connection and community. A genuine community, an enduring relationship, a life fully lived, will each be a vessel where spirit and soul meet.

Michael Meade, a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology, returns to QUUF after an absence of four years. He is the author of Fate and Destiny, The World Behind the World, The Water of Life, and his newly-published book, The Genius Myth.

Click here to listen to the sermon from the first service.
Click here to listen to the sermon from the second service.