Christmas Children’s Pageant
Join us in the Sanctuary at 5pm as the children present their pageant presented by our Director of Family Ministry, Beau Ohlgren. Christmas carols will abound. The adult service starts at 7pm.
Join us in the Sanctuary at 5pm as the children present their pageant presented by our Director of Family Ministry, Beau Ohlgren. Christmas carols will abound. The adult service starts at 7pm.
Our second wonderful rite of passage service in a row! Introduced by their QUUF adult mentors, we hear a Credo Statement written by each youth in our Coming-of-Age program as a culmination of an eight-month journey together. We honor the following youth and mentors: Cynthia Becker, Joseph Bednarik, Steve Blair, Phillip Burwell, Kestrel Campbell, Rob … Continue reading Coming of Age Service
As a religious community we celebrate rites of passage, and today we honor our older youth as they pass from youth-hood to young adulthood, or “bridge.” Our bridgers will share with the congregation on this point in their lives and honor their transition to adult UUs. This year we celebrate three young people: Hannah Brooks, … Continue reading Bridging Service
Join us in the sanctuary for our services on Christmas Eve:
5 pm – Children’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
A reading of the Christmas Story, a tableau around a famous manger, and holiday songs galore. A beautiful and family-fun way to ring in Christmas Day. The service will conclude with the lighting of individual candles and the singing of “Silent Night.” Everyone welcome!
7 pm – Christmas Eve Service.
Our darkened sanctuary provides a lovely setting. Traditional carols will be sung and the ancient story told. Rev. Kate Kinney will speak on “Bearers of the Divine”. The service will conclude with the lighting of individual candles and the singing of “Silent Night.”
Note: there will be no Sunday morning service on Christmas Day. We have a Christmas Potluck to which you are invited!
What do our own personal experiences of transition teach us about new changes we enter, the metamorphosis of communities, and the state of transformation in the world. Click here to view the service. Click here to read the reading and sermon.
As a religious community we celebrate rites of passage. This Sunday we honor our older youth as they pass form youth-hood to young adulthood, or “bridge.” This year we celebrate three young people, Cece Magee, Cosmo Crecca, and Joey McGovern in our Bridging Service. They will share with the congregation on this point in their lives as we honor their transition to adult UUs.
Click here at 10 am Sunday to go to our YouTube channel or anytime thereafter.
Join QUUF high school-aged youth as they explore the seventh principle of Unitarian Universalism: “respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part” and what it means for them through story, song, insight and imagination. Click here to listen to the reading and sermon. Click here to read the reading … Continue reading Interconnected Web of Life (Youth Service)
This intergenerational service includes a Stone Soup enactment and information about the “Guest at Your Table” tradition.
Religious communities are traditionally places where we celebrate transitions in life. In our culture, graduation from high school is one such transition. Unitarian Universalists honor our seniors with a Bridging Ceremony; they are crossing the bridge to young adulthood. Through ritual, song and words, we honor this transition in life. This year we have two … Continue reading Bridging Service 2018
This service is about Generation Z – what we have to offer the world, and who we are in spite of how we are perceived.