Our QUUF Covenants

Guest Blog by The Right Relations Covenant Team*

What, exactly, makes us UUs? How are we defined, and how do we agree to treat each other? Unlike religions, which are based on creeds (statements of spiritual belief), Unitarian Universalism is a covenant-based faith, meaning agreements on interacting respectfully with one another. A Covenant is the promise we make that creates the glue that holds us together in beloved community.

Our QUUF Covenant (written and determined by vote in 1997) states:

“We are travelers. We meet for a moment in this sacred place to love, to share, to serve. Let us use compassion, curiosity, reverence and respect while seeking our truths. In this way, we will support a just and joyful community, and this moment shall endure.”

We also have a Covenant of Right Relations, which elucidates the principles above. To create our Covenant of Right Relations, the concepts of compassion, curiosity, reverence, and respect were explored in congregational workshops. Responses were compiled and voted on in June of 2019 to create our Covenant of Right Relations.

Because we are human and imperfect, sometimes our covenantal promises are broken. But inherent in covenant is the commitment to work for healing and repairs, so that our relationships and understandings are deepened. This is the work we do in community to grow our hearts and to practice forgiveness, compassion, curiosity, and respect. This is the framework for building a Healthy Community.

We invite your reflections on what our QUUF covenants mean to you as a UU in the comment section below. let’s each recall the broad perspective of what we love about QUUF. What drew us in? What were the transformative moments? How have we supported each other in tough times before? Which joyful and meaningful events do we crave? What experiences fostered our connectedness? How can we become stronger than before?

Initial Comment:

Onnolee Stevens: “For me personally, the two most important aspects of the RRC have always been genuine RESPECT for each  person and CURIOSITY about their beliefs. I’ve been practicing “curiosity” recently and it’s been an enlightening experience. It also has the wonderful benefit of allowing me to put aside my own beliefs while I am genuinely holding the other person in caring and regard.”

*Right Relations Covenant Team (Diane Haas, chair; Laurie Riley, Onnolee Stevens, Kathy Stevenson, Cherri Mann, and Karen Wamstad, members)

3 Responses to “Our QUUF Covenants

  1. Our covenant helps me to respect and honor one another
    in spite of our differences.Its wonderful to see how others
    reach out and give the best of themselves to one another

  2. My hope is that through our covenant we each can practice
    respect and patience and learn to hold one another in the sacred
    light of our common humanity.
    Sometimes I am touched by how others reach out to me in spite
    of our differences.

  3. I am so pleased to see our covenant. I feel that it helps us to bond one to another and is a guide to us as we continue our journey together.

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