To make a one-time donation through Vanco or to set up automatic (ACH) payments click the Donate Now button.
Or contact the Treasurer to request a paper enrollment form.

Donate to the QUUF Collection Plate or Designated Offerings via Cash, Check, or text message!

Please Note: Texting contributions go only to Designated Offerings or the Plate, NOT PLEDGE. Please use other payment options for Pledge.

How the Plate Works:

Each week, we pass the collection plate at services. You may donate by cash, check, or text.

Some weeks the Plate goes to a local 501c3 nonprofit group that the Designated Offerings Team selects. We often have a speaker or information during the service about the work of the nonprofit.

Some weeks the Plate goes directly to QUUF to support operational programs. When you donate to the Plate, it does NOT go toward your pledge.

How to Text Donations:

We have set up text donations through Vanco, our secure payment processor.  Donations made via text message go only to the nonprofit of the week or QUUF.

To donate by text, create a new text message to 833-967-0486. In the message box, type in the amount you want to donate.  Do not enter anything else in this field.  If it is your first time donating via text message, you will be asked to enter your name, address, and payment information.  We can accept donations via credit or debit card only.

For more information about donating via text message, click HERE.

QUUF has two categories of financial giving

  • 100% of QUUF’s budget is from the support of congregants. Together we raise this money through an annual pledge, 3 major fundraisers during the year (Auction, Dining for Dollars, Spring Fundraiser), and several smaller activities.
  • In addition, giving outside our walls is vital to our mission and we accomplish that with our designated offerings, special fundraisers and committee work.

Please join us in all the other ways we support the community within and outside our walls:

This page last updated March 16, 2025