Sunday Mornings

Religious Education
As a community we help each other live life consciously, ethically, and spiritually with our hearts, heads, and humor. Sunday morning RE, family events, Covenant Groups, OWL Sexuality Education, social justice projects, Mystery Pals, Coming of Age, all blend together to build a nurturing connection that makes a difference in our lives. Robert Doss writes, “Our effort in the direction of liberal religion is born of a deep commitment to life. Through worship, and through learning and through relationships with others, it is the love of life we are doing our best to help along.” We hope you will join us! If you would like more information, contact our Director of Family Ministry, Beau Ohlgren.
Sunday Morning Program
All groups participate in activities that relate to our seven UU Principles. We explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, including the history of the religion. We study other religions of the world, intrigued both by the differences between them and the common threads of kindness and hope. Peace and Justice hold a prominent place in our studies and activities. We emphasize how we express our religion in our daily lives.
We study the 7 Principles and 6 Sources of Unitarian Universalism, learn about Unitarians and Universalists from the past, and invite guests from the congregation to class. We ponder the religious questions of life and death, Where did we come from? How shall we live our life? We also focus on Peace and Justice and the Interdependent Web, deepen our understanding and develop literacy around our Jewish and Christian Heritage, and explore World Religions.
Throughout the year, the Religious Education Committee coordinates with the larger Fellowship in social action that promotes our Principles. By putting our beliefs into action we affirm and promote our Unitarian Universalist religion.
Time for All Ages
During each service we have a “Time for All Ages”- which is an intergenerational portion of the service. To find a list of stories used to for Time for All Ages click here. For a video collection of our stories, click here!
RE Age Groupings
Whenever your baby/toddler is comfortable in the childcare room, we are happy to provide childcare, and encourage you to head to the sanctuary to hear the service. We will come get you if your child becomes upset if you just let us know where you are seated in the sanctuary. If your child needs you in the childcare room, we are happy to bring you a headset and you may listen to the service while they play.
Babies and toddlers typically start out in the childcare room so you can settle into the service and they can settle in with the childcare providers, and you can drop off starting at 9am. Children 3 and above are encouraged to start in the services, and then move to the RE building for classes after being sung out of the service. More info on childcare and babies at QUUF here.

(Chalice Children)
Exploring their senses, friendship, community, and the interconnected web of life, our preschool classroom is a wonderful place to enter into the religious education program here at QUUF. Singing songs, playing games, and enjoying community together.

Kindergarten-2nd Grade
(Treasure Hunters)
Through song, active wondering, engaged curiosity, and creative arts, our Treasure Hunters engage with our principles and sources, consider decision-making and how to be a good friend to each other and our earth. They delve into story-making, dramatic play, and start to engage more readily with what a Unitarian Universalist life can look like.

3-5th Grade
(Wisdom Seekers)
Our Wisdom Seekers love to delve into big projects. They tackle social justice projects, guide discussions on generosity and bullying, have loads of fun, and start to ask the big questions- and learn about finding their own answers. We like to do special programs at this age, like Harry Potter and UU, which engage their creativity and get them excited about engaging at QUUF.

6-8th Grade
Our Pathfinders start building their own path- and determining their own approach to religious education at this age. Fall begins with the Puget Sound Middle School Youth Con gathering on Vashon Island at Camp Sealth. Throughout the year, we have pizza parties and social justice projects. They explore subjects through more hands-on experience and special projects of their own determining. Special Programs rotate through the years: Neighboring Faiths, Coming of Age, and 8th-and-9th grade OWL sexuality education program.

9-12th Grade
Our High School Youth participate in the life of QUUF in many ways. Youth Group (also known as YRUU) meets each week to worship, play games, enjoy conversation, participate in social justice, and explore special topics. YRUU is youth-led and is an incredible experienced for our teens. They engage in regional conferences with other UU youth, deepen their social and emotional understanding, and build community in a way adults are envious of! Some additional ways we encourage participation are: Sunday morning (choir, special music, ushering, greeting, assisting in RE), Social Justice Projects, and Family Holiday Events.
Social Justice
Sorting Food at the Food Bank
Social and Environmental Justice teachings are central to a child’s experience at QUUF. Woven into all the lessons are stories and activities about compassion, peaceful problem solving, reverence for diversity, caring for the earth. Specific curricula in the past few years include Steps to Respect, Water for All, Pennies for Peace, Social Activist UUs in history, and much more.
In addition to Sunday morning curriculum, the children help with the offering for the food bank and shop for and deliver a load of food every year, make cookies for the Winter Shelter, and have special projects they learn about and/or raise money for. These have included Doctors Without Borders, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Heifer International, The Recyclery, The Boiler Room, and more.
An important aspect of being a Unitarian Universalist is awareness and action in the world. Our children know this, and live it.
This page last updated October 2, 2023