Social Justice in RE
Social Justice

Social and Environmental Justice teachings are central to a child’s experience at QUUF. Woven into all the lessons are stories and activities about compassion, peaceful problem solving, reverence for diversity, caring for the earth. Specific curricula in the past few years include Steps to Respect, Water for All, Pennies for Peace, Social Activist UUs in history, and much more.
In addition to Sunday morning curriculum, the children help with the offering for the food bank and shop for and deliver a load of food every year, make cookies for the Winter Shelter, and have special projects they learn about and/or raise money for. These have included Doctors Without Borders, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Heifer International, The Recyclery, The Boiler Room, and more.
An important aspect of being a Unitarian Universalist is awareness and action in the world. Our children know this, and live it.
This page last updated July 26, 2022