The Endowments Committee is a Congregational Committee, elected by and answerable to the Congregation as a whole. It offers a variety of ways for Members and Friends of QUUF to invest in QUUF’s future:

  • To make an unrestricted endowment gift directly, simply write a check to QUUF and indicate “unrestricted endowment gift” on the memo line.
  • If you wish to transfer investment property or restrict your gift in any way, please contact a member of the Endowments Committee
  • To notify us that you are or plan to become a Legacy Donor by including QUUF in your estate plan, please download this Legacy Record Form, complete, and mail it to QUUF, 2333 San Juan Avenue in PT.  Or – unless the relevant pages contain private information that it’s not wise to send electronically – you can scan the completed form and any documentation and email all to
  • To make a difference today, you can join the $10 Per Month Club and donate monthly by check or automatic withdrawal from your account. Legacy Donors whose gifts continue to support QUUF after their death are called Keepers of the Flame and recognized on a plaque that hangs in Fellowship Hall.
  • For your information, QUUF’s federal ID # as a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization is 91-1335250.

The QUUF Endowments Committee provides for the long-term management and thoughtful use of endowed resources. To propose a plan to use these funds, please download and complete this Scholarship Application Form.

The Memorial Circle and Columbarium is under this committee.

About our committee: Everything you wanted to know about Endowments but were afraid to ask.

Click here to read our charter.

You can contact the committee by emailing Sandy Tweed.

Other members: Amy Hepburn, Zoe Ann Lamp, Sandy Tweed, Jean Walat, and Mary Tucker (Treasurer)

This page last updated February 4, 2025