From Scared to Sacred

(Guest post by Laurie Riley)

The world has changed. What so recently was “normal” is fading quickly away, taking a back seat to a new reality. This is a time of deepening, of learning, of quiet contemplation, of sharing and caring. What we will learn from our current worldwide situation may well be much more than how to handle a crisis. Potentially, we may emerge as a wiser human race on every level.

Many people are stressed over having to stay home, because it’s an unfamiliar way to live, the future is uncertain, and finances are threatened. But some amazing things are emerging: deeper connections with self and with those who share our space, realization of how important friendships are, and discovery that we really don’t need many of the things we thought we needed. We’re spending much less. Maybe we are seeing that the “work too hard and buy too much” way of life is an artificial system that doesn’t really serve us.

Can we reap the benefit of living simply? Can we make permanent deep connections to make life truly worth living? After all, what is it we’ve ultimately been seeking all along but love and connection? The ingredients of a satisfying life have always been right here under our noses, if we had just paid attention. What a blessing that now we have to.

Instead of being scared, upset and stressing, what if we accept what’s so (really, what other choice can there be?) and see what it brings? These are sacred times. Take a deep breath. Cherish this time of deepening. It’s good for the Earth and it’s good for the soul. This time of quiet solitude might save not just your physical life, but your true Self as well.