QUUF Women’s Retreat March 21-22, 2025 Being Fully Alive in Challenging Times
Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center, Port Orchard, WA
Our Women’s Spring retreat is the perfect opportunity to take a break from the demands of daily life, relax, recharge, and reconnect with other women. If you’d like a few days filled with natural beauty, sisterly companionship, and opportunities to hike, sing, dance, write, create, and play, this is a time for you!
Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center is nestled in 120 acres of woods with second growth fir trees, a pristine lake, scenic hiking trails and a central lodge. Delicious meals, cozy-quaint cabins with comfortable beds are included.
Plan to join in the fun, meet new people, deepen relationships with others
and build our wonderful community!
The retreat will run from Friday evening, March 21 through Sunday morning, March 23. Planned activities include: workshops (yoga, jewelry making, games, poetry, song circles, crafts, journaling); circle groups; fabulous food; a ukulele concert and drumming circle; and time to relax, deepen friendships, and meet new wonderful women.
The cost is $230 for everything. Limited scholarships are available.