QUUF Presents: A Concert Series for the Community

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Individual concert tickets can be purchased at auctria.events/quufpresents


April 12Powerhouse American Roots duo True North (Kristen Grainger and Dan Wetzel) combines elements of bluegrass, country, and folk to create songs of haunting beauty that nestle in the ear on the way to the heart.
Concert begins at 2pm.  Doors open at 1:30
Tickets: $20 in advance, under 12 free

May 17 – Susan Burke and John Whelan, Internationally known, high-energy, authentic Scottish and Irish musicians who will knock your socks off!
Concert begins at 2pm.  Doors open at 1:30
Tickets: $20 in advance, under 12 free

June 21  – Courtney Campbell, star of the beloved Mustard Pancakes children’s TV series, will be giving an afternoon children’s/family concert. Courtney is a singer/songwriter, and master storyteller, and has performed for children all over the world. She is a delightful entertainer and loves it when families are all together singing, listening to stories and having a good time. The children’s concert begins at 2PM. Doors open at 1:30. Pay what you can.
Suitable for children ages 3-10 years old.
Evening Concert for adults at 6:30 doors open at 6pm; Tickets: $20 in advance, under 12 free

Past concerts in the series:

Feb 22Lisa Lynne and Aryeh Frankfurter – International stars of harp, guitar, viola, nyckelharpa, Ukrainian bouzouki and more!
March 8 – Eileen Soskin and Karen Heather, 88 Keys and 20 fingers:  4-hands playing classical music on piano

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