6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Join Rev. Linda and the Threshold Choir on Monday, January 20 at 6:30pm for a time of reflection and inspiration for the coming year. We’ll hear words from Martin Luther King, Jr. and remember his legacy, and lift up the work toward our vision of a world of justice and peace. There’ll be time to reflect and to share our dreams and visions and commitments.
Afterwards, we’ll have a time to gather in the Fellowship Hall, so bring along a few snacks or beverages or cookies to share. We’ll have hot water for tea and decaf coffee available.
Afterwards, we’ll have a time to gather in the Fellowship Hall, so bring along a few snacks or beverages or cookies to share. We’ll have hot water for tea and decaf coffee available.
Invite your friends to come along to join us for this time of community and care.
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