Event Application Form

The form below is to be used for all QUUF events and fundraisers and must be completed and submitted at least two months prior to the event date. QUUF Events are approved by the Program Council. Fundraisers are approved by the Fundraising Coordinating Team. The Program Council and the Fundraising Coordinating team will take into consideration budget requirements, timing of event, staff time needed, overall QUUF calendar, marketing requirements, etc. to assure the event or fundraiser will be successful.

This form is to be used for all events that occur at QUUF and must be completed and submitted at least one month prior to the event date.

Parameters for Facilitating an Event:

  • Events must be hosted by members, teams, or committees for the benefit of QUUF.
  • Submit a revenue and expense budget for review by the Fundraising Coordinating Committee. This includes what you expect to raise and the expenses to create event.
  • The appropriate committee or council will approve the activity or make suggested changes to the group.
  • After event is approved, please submit a Room Reservation Request form if using the QUUF facility.
  • Your event must comply with the requirements of the office, accounting, and tech systems. Please work with the Bookkeeper/Congregational Administrator/Tech Specialist to decide:
    • What payment options will be accepted.
    • How registrations will be facilitated, tracked, and recorded, if needed.
    • What confirmation will be issued for payment/registration if needed (the QUUF office can create the registration form, if needed).
    • Refund process if any.
    • Scholarship process/approval if needed.
    • What publicity is needed for the event (QUUF website, QUUF Facebook page, etc.).

This page last updated September 4, 2024

Event Application Form

Event Form

Name of Person Submitting Form
Name of Person Submitting Form
Type of Event
Name of Team Contact for the Event
Name of Team Contact for the Event
This event will be
This event is
This event will have

Proposed Budget

Registration Information

Do you need a registration form for this event?

Payments or Money Collection

When will money be collected?
Payment options that will be accepted:
Do you plan on offering scholarships for attending this event?
Will you allow refunds?


Please indicate how you plan to handle publicity of the event