Shelter Meals

Housing Task Force Recommendation

QUUF’s Housing Action Team, formerly called the Affordable Housing Action Group, has been working for many years to address housing needs within the Jefferson County Community. Although it began with efforts to promote affordable housing in the County, much of the recent work has been addressing the needs of the unsheltered.

The first year of the Jefferson County Homeless Shelter was initiated by QUUF joining 3 other churches and opening our doors for overnight sleeping. QUUF sheltered people for one week, and the other churches each did the same for one week. Seeing the need, agencies and other churches stepped up and the Winter Shelter Program developed. For many years QUUF has provided volunteer monitors and supplied meals for two weeks each winter. Members have served on the COAST Oversight Team, and put in extra time enhancing the program.

A few years ago a member helped develop an interfaith group that supplied a warming center in town, the Winter Welcoming Center.

Members have been instrumental in building and financing the temporary Tiny Home Villages that are being developed – Peter’s Place and Pat’s Place. Construction of Tiny Homes on Wheels has also had QUUFers.

Throughout the years, two QUUF members have been energetic and undeterred in their advocacy for the unsheltered. Barbara Morey and Julia Cochrane, long time QUUFers (both raised daughters in our RE Program), have tirelessly lived their UU faith walking along side individuals needing shelter, as well as being a strong voice for policy change.

This page last updated October 3, 2024