Antiracism Action Team (AAT)
Mission (2020 to Current):
Our mission is to build an antiracist community. We confront racial inequities, endorse equality, reform our own racist attitudes and practices, and dismantle the roots of racism in the power and policies of our institutions.
- Create opportunities for members and friends of QUUF to learn about and engage in antiracism work.
- Examine QUUF and Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) policies and procedures through an antiracist lens in order to contribute to an antiracist society.
- Learn ways of engaging in being allies/accomplices/co-conspirators with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) throughout our society.
- Develop an understanding of white supremacy culture within each of us as individuals and within the QUUF community.
- Welcome diversity through individual awareness as well as QUUF policies and procedures.
- Track local, state, and national legislation and advocacy around issues of racism.
AAT Annual Report for 2023-2024
Solidarity with Palestinians – Action of Immediate Witness
More Information:
- Anti-Racism Team Charter
- Practice Empathy
- Essential Racial Justice Vocabulary (Boise UUF)
- Critical Race Theory (Boise UUF)
- Timeline of Antiracist and Antioppression Work at QUUF
- Dr King’s Ware Lecture
- Systemic Racism: Race in America A Holy Post – Phil Fischer
- Homework, Essay by Betty O’Bryan
- UUA Statement of Conscience
- UU Groups Actively Working on Widening the Circle of our Religion
Contact Person: Kathy Stevenson
This page last updated February 23, 2025