Once a month, a group of QUUFers and friends sit down to share a meal and get acquainted. If you are new to this congregation, these events are a great opportunity to learn a little more about each other in a small, informal setting. Usually no more than 8 people prepare and share a meal on a Saturday evening, usually on the third Saturday of the month. The host prepares the main dish and the guest bring the rest: vegetables, salad, bread, appetizer, wine. The hosts can change anything they want – day, time, venue, which meal, and even specify a theme. (We have had some doozies, like UU jokes. There was considerable merriment at that one.)

The usual day is Saturday evening about 6pm but that can be changed if the host prefers a different day or a different meal. Food sensitivities can usually be accommodated. QUUF COVID-19 mask protocols will be observed unless the group decides that they are comfortable without masks.

Please contact John Collins and Carol Graves if you would like to host a meal.

This page last updated September 24, 2024