Category: News from our Minister

How We Find Hope

The state of the world: it might just be grief and fear. A few weeks ago, as a part of the time of Joys and Sorrows, I shared the last stanzas of Warsan Shire’s poem “What They Did Yesterday Afternoon”: later that night i held an atlas in my lap ran my fingers across the … Continue reading How We Find Hope

Keep Trying

At the service this past Sunday, we got to hear the words of poet Andrea Gibson: “I know most people try hard to do good and find out too late they should have tried softer.” Since I first heard the poem a few years ago, I have repeated that mantra to myself: try softer. It … Continue reading Keep Trying

Change is in Our Future

Someone quipped “The only people who like change are wet babies!” A childless young adult at the time, I didn’t know that not all babies like to have their diapers changed no matter how soggy or stinky they are. And yet, the only thing that we know for certain is that everything changes. Babies become … Continue reading Change is in Our Future

Brave World

  On August 1, I took care in getting ready for my first official day of work at QUUF. I selected a favorite dress, grabbed my lightweight black cardigan (will it be chilly?), and started looking at my earrings for just the right pair. The choice was obvious. Though the small turquoise pieces at the … Continue reading Brave World

Re-Imagining QUUF

by Larry Morrell, QUUF Board President QUUF Covenant:  “We are travelers. We meet for a moment in this sacred place to love, to share, to serve. Let us use compassion, curiosity, reverence, and respect while seeking our truths. In this way, we will support a just and joyful community, and this moment shall endure.” Dear … Continue reading Re-Imagining QUUF