Author: Rev. Kate Kinney

Snow and Fire

One of my favorite carols is In the Bleak Mid-Winter by Christina Rossetti. I love the line, “Snow has fallen, snow on snow, Snow on snow, in the bleak mid-winter long ago.” I am writing this with snow falling; it is peaceful. My canary, Easter, is watching his very first snowfall and is mesmerized. He … Continue reading Snow and Fire

Welcome Back!

It seems like a different world since we last gathered. We had a brief couple of Sundays trying to sneak in a few services last year but Covid struck again. So here we are crossing our fingers and wanting this time to be foolproof  But we know better than that! Nonetheless we are psychologically moving … Continue reading Welcome Back!

What a Week!

Dear Folks, First, a big thank you to everyone who helped with our summer gatherings; these coming-together moments helped us understand who we are as members of QUUF. We found out that many of us look at things from different perspectives and philosophies. And, of course, any institution has a values structure that serves as … Continue reading What a Week!

Wild Church

Okay, this is probably not the best statement for a minister to make but here it goes, “I love to go to church outside, in the wilderness, and just be in the open no matter what the weather.” I have been this way all of my life. When I was in high school, we had … Continue reading Wild Church

What is UUA General Assembly?

Unitarian Universalist congregations voluntarily belong to the Unitarian Universalist Association. “The mission of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is to equip congregations for health and vitality, to support and train lay and professional leaders, and to advance Unitarian Universalist values in the world.​” (From UUA website)   Each of the 900+ member congregations send delegates to the … Continue reading What is UUA General Assembly?

Would You Die for Us?

In one school where I taught, a man was murdered outside my class window. Some students witnessed it. We did all of the appropriate things: pulled down the shades, locked the door, turned out the lights, and crouched down under our desks. One boy whispered to me from across the room, “Kate, will you protect … Continue reading Would You Die for Us?