Author: Guest Author

Winter Solstice

Remember sitting around a campfire at night? The circle of light within a vast ocean of darkness? Remember leaving the fire and how the darkness swallowed you up as you felt your way to your tent to drop into the darkness of sleep? Our bodies were made for darkness just as much as they were … Continue reading Winter Solstice

From My Den

by Teddy Furnandez The other day I was on the phone with my cousin Cubby and as I got deeper into the conversation, I had to paws and consider what a wonderful community you have created and fostered at QUUF.  You don’t have to be smarter than the average bear to see your members are … Continue reading From My Den

Can You Hear Me?

Guest Blog by Laurie Riley In our congregation, “hearing” each other is a big subject these days. But let’s look at a slightly different aspect of hearing – one which addresses an aspect of ableism. A form of disability, hearing loss is something we should all be considering as we strive to be an inclusive … Continue reading Can You Hear Me?

Building Bridges

By Elizabeth Walker I don’t like conflict. I guess I am afraid of it. When I sense it, I tend to walk in the other direction and pull my tentacles into my introverted self. This hasn’t actually been working all that well for me. I have way too many rents in the fabric of my … Continue reading Building Bridges

Walking (or Rolling) the Walk

Final Blog Reviewing General Assembly by Guest Author Henry Amick Springing four flights of steep steps. Bopping ’round to various workstations to bring encouraging treats and good cheer. And putting in ten-hour days. Hard to imagine this was me in a world where it was still hard to imagine disabilities. Where I’d haggle folks to … Continue reading Walking (or Rolling) the Walk